Happy Father’s Day!

Posted by admin on 21st June 2015 in Uncategorized

Happy Father’s Day to All you Dads!
It’s funny how many traits we acquire from our parents. I don’t often speak of my father, but I know that my sarcastic sense of humor and taste for bad puns come from his side. I am also certain that my appreciation of Art, Music and Beauty come from dear old dad. My father was an artist and journalist, with a degree from UC Berkeley. During WWW II he was stationed in France, and wrote for the Army paper, “Stars and Stripes”. He later had his own nightclub column in the Richmond Independent, and his own radio show, “In the Spotlight with Myron K. Baker”. I grew up listening to lots of great jazz and other music. As parents, we try to protect our children, and keep them from repeating our mistakes (It’s a wonder evolution even works). So early on, my father really tried to discourage me from playing music for a living with nothing else to fall back on – he knew firsthand that it was a tough life. But as far back as I can remember, that’s all I really wanted to do. Eventually, my father came to accept this, and mentioned it in the last letter he wrote to me.
I will leaving here in a bit to drive to Tacoma. I have 3 shows today, and am looking forward to playing for all the Dads, Grand Dads and even Great Grand Dads.
Love you, dad… thanks for giving me the gift of music to share!

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